Many people, and so rightfully, aren’t aware of the sheer amount of effort and time that switches to create a strong brand identity-a, a logo. While some designers’ own processes differ, I think it’s safe to say they all follow an identical structure. Here’s a peek behind the moments at what typically goes on after I design a logo.
First things first: picking the client’s brain. Before any developing may appear, this must happen first. I spend about one hour with a potential client and gave them a huge amount of in-depth questions about their business, their industry, their audience, their competition, and their goals. Here’s what the logo design brief that I take advantage of looks like. Following the proposal is signed by your client, saying they’re agreeing to everything, and I receive their down payment (a standard procedure among most designers), I can now reach work.
- Adequate, relevant and not excessive
- Reputation earned is not positive
- Upload images and other media to use in your content
- AVG Protection
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This is where I take a deeper consider my new client’s business and industry. I research their own company, how long they’ve experienced business, which kind of work they are doing, and what sets them from their competition apart. I also take a peek to their desired audience, mostly what type of demographics they’re targeting.
This gives me clues in what their target market cares about, and what might appeal to them the most. As you can see, developing a logo requires a lot research! I spend some right time looking up my client’s competitors, mostly local usually, and find out what they’re doing in conditions of visual identity. A lot of the right time their own logos suck, which is good, because it means my job shall be simpler to blow them out of the water. But sometimes, my client’s rivals have very professional branding, logos, and marketing materials, which make it a little trickier to outdo them. Luckily, Challenging is adored by me.
This is while I consider professional design resources; I look through numerous company logo websites and books and put a compilation of company logo from similar sectors together. This can help me get an idea of the direction the client’s own logo is going in and provides me some inspiration on various ways of problem solving.
This is where in fact the fun begins! Before I use the computer, I first spend time placing pencil to paper. I create word associations, draw some mind maps, and sketch a good number of logo concepts. Since this is brainstorming, I draw out everything, even the crappy ideas. I can later modify and refine things.
After a day or two of brainstorming, it’s important to take a step back again from everything and let my subconscious rest on things-literally. This helps creates some space therefore I can go through the ideas with a new eye and sometimes, I think of a new solution while dreaming even. I select about 5 or 6 of the strongest ideas that I’ve sketched and finally start my computer. My go-to program is Adobe Illustrator, where I render in vector the logo concepts. These are in black and white and are usually quite rough, but it’s important to observe how they come out when digitized.